B. C. O. M
B.C.O.M is more than just a Business. We are committed to Enriching the Lives of both Men & Women from all walks of life. "Wherever there is a need and that need is being met that's Ministry" with our Ministry first and business second approach. We created opportunities to get hands on training to advance their lives in all ranges of fields. And we guide the along on their journey with needed support.
Today's youth have so much to offer to the world - but truly right here in our city there is a lack of opportunities. Honestly every young adult in Memphis are not getting equal opportunities. Therefore we know a lack of opportunities lead to increase in crime as well as violence. Last year over 9,000 youths applied for summer jobs with the City of Memphis MPLOY Youth Program. The program only had spots for about 2,000 youths with this great opportunity. Here is an example of lack of opportunities over 5,000 youths won't get to experience this opportunity The founder of Bluff City Outreach Ministries, Marrio Holpe has been teaching training and motivating youths from inner-cities for 15 years. Mr. Holpe partnered with the City of Memphis Office of Youth Services (Back On Track Program). A great program and its programs like this that helps mold future generations to come said Mr. Holpe. At B.C.O.M, we are here to give them the support they need in order to shape them into leaders of the future. We have a Cotton For Change Program and leadership initiatives that help nurture these future leaders of tomorrow. Thanks for your support...

"Wherever There Is A Need And The Need Is Being Met Ministry."​

3540 Summer Ave Suite 305, Memphis, TN 38122, USA
Thanks For Your Support..